The Greatest Guide To dot physical near medot physical charlotte nc

What is a DOT physical examination? Is it anything like the STRIPE physical examination or the PLAID physical examination? Uh, no. DOT stands for the Department Of Transportation and whether you realize it or not, drivers of certain vehicles, whether they're buses or heavy trucks, need to receive a special license. Each and every vehicle comes with its own set of specific responsibilities and the Powers That Be have deemed buses and heavy trucks (and one or two other things) need a special license to lawfully drive. So be it.

Than you probably have a ton of questions if you are in the market for a special DOT license. How much does it cost? What will they test for during the physical examination? Does it hurt? Etc. This article attempts to answer all these questions for you in a brief, light-hearted and detailed way.

Let's talk about the cost. In today's economy this is on the forefront of everyone's mind so it should be addressed first and foremost. Is a DOT exam covered by your existing medical insurance? The answer is a resounding ... yes! If you are already covered, do not fret. If you are not currently covered by medical insurance, chances are that this job that demands the physical will provide it for you, so the cost should be of minor concern. Thankfully, however, the cost is affordable. When it comes to the DOT physical examination, no one's gouging.

Next, let's discuss who it is that actually needs to undergo the painless procedure of a DOT physical. If you are trying to receive a driver's license for the following vehicles you will need to receive the exam:

- A license for a vehicle that is used for commercial (business) purposes and that has a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (or combined weight rating) of over ten thousand pounds-you will need to undergo a DOT physical examination.

- A license for a bus or bus-like vehicle that carries more than sixteen passengers (including the driver)- you will need to undergo a DOT physical examination.

- A license for a vehicle that is used for the removal or the transport of any and all hazardous materials-you will need to undergo a DOT exam. This does NOT include a McDonalds delivery truck, regardless of what you may think personally.

Finally, let's take a look at the physical exam itself. What can you expect to experience while undergoing a DOT physical examination at your local walk in clinic? The following list contains all relevant information:

- General health information and a history of past ailments and major health issues. This is followed by a test of your vital signs (pulse, respiratory system, blood pressure, etc.).

- If you wear glasses for vision correction please bring your glasses with you. You will be given a visual examination. This test will include read more color.

- A hearing test will also be administered to you during a DOT exam.

- You will be tested for diabetes via a urine test.

This test is very accurate and painless, and after you pass it your license can be issued.

What is a DOT physical examination? Is it anything like the STRIPE physical examination or the PLAID physical examination? Uh, no. DOT stands for the Department Of Transportation and whether you realize it or not, drivers of certain vehicles, whether they're buses or heavy trucks, need to receive a special license. Each and every vehicle comes with its own set of specific responsibilities and the Powers That Be have deemed buses and heavy trucks (and one or two other things) need a special license to lawfully drive. Be it.

Than you probably have a ton of questions if you are in the market for a special DOT license. How much does it cost? What will they test for during the physical examination? Does it hurt? Etc. This article attempts to answer all these questions for you in a brief, light-hearted and detailed way.

First let's talk about the cost. In today's economy this is on the forefront of everyone's mind so it should be addressed. Is a DOT exam covered by your existing medical insurance? The answer is a resounding ... yes! If you are already covered, do not fret. If you are not currently covered by medical insurance, chances are that this job that demands the physical will provide it for you, so the cost should be of minor concern. Thankfully, however, the cost is affordable. When it comes to the DOT physical examination, no one's gouging.

Next, let's discuss who it is that actually needs to undergo the painless procedure of a DOT physical. If you are trying to receive a driver's license for the following vehicles you will need to receive the exam:

- A license for a vehicle that is used for commercial (business) purposes and that has a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (or combined weight rating) of over ten thousand pounds-you will need to undergo a DOT physical examination.

- A license for a bus or bus-like vehicle that carries more than sixteen passengers (including the driver)- you will need to undergo a DOT physical examination.

- A license for a vehicle that is used for the removal or the transport of any and all hazardous materials-you will need to undergo a DOT exam. This does NOT include a McDonalds delivery truck, regardless of what you may think personally.

Finally, let's take a look at the physical exam itself. What can you expect to experience while undergoing a DOT physical examination at your local walk in clinic? The following list contains all relevant information:

- General health information and a history of past ailments and major health issues. This is followed by a test of your vital signs (pulse, respiratory system, blood pressure, etc.).

- If you wear glasses for vision correction please bring your glasses with you. You will be given a visual examination. This test will include color.

- A hearing test will also be administered to you during a DOT exam.

- You will be tested for diabetes via a urine test.

This test is painless and very accurate, and after you pass it your license can be issued.

Is it anything like the STRIPE physical examination or the PLAID physical examination? What can you expect to experience while undergoing a DOT physical examination at your local walk in clinic? Is it anything like the STRIPE physical examination or the PLAID physical examination? No one's gouging when it comes to the DOT physical examination.

What can you expect to experience while undergoing a DOT physical examination at your local walk in clinic?

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